tea tasting sharing

HuaZhuLiangZi Raw Puerh (loose leaves)
8grams tea

Dry tea: leaves curling tight and heavy; showing tips, leaves and stem and very even with them; fragrant smell like in forest, wild forest smell is very thick and heavy; and getting sweeter and sweeter.

1, Washing/waking up the tea: the fragrant on the lid of Gaiwan stay very long, wild forest smell is very heavy; cup fragrant: thick and heavy fragrant when cup is warm, less fragrant when the cup is cold.
2, 1st infusion: normal smooth but very sweet; the sweetness is all the way from the top of tongue, through to end of tongue, and up to the throat. Tea soup light yellow and bright, taste last very long in mouth, fragrant is normal.
3. 2nd infusion: still smooth, taste is coming out, the saliva is coming from both side of tongue, middle of the tongue and tip of the tongue. Fragrant stay in cup quite long time.
4, 3rd infusion: both cheek feel a bit astringent, and the saliva come immediately; throat becoming sweeter and comfortable; the sweetness and fragrant stay between both cheek and teeth. Cup: fragrant stay in warm cup; orchid fragrant is more obverse when cup getting cold.
5. 4th infusion: astringent start to disappear, sweetness is coming more, saliva is coming more and more from both side of tongue and turning to sweet, and the fragrant is stay more in middle of the tongue.
6. 5/6/7th infusion: taste stay, sweetness last long, saliva continue; the taste start getting weak from 7th infusion.
7. 8th infusion: stew the leaves, taste of the still very strong, first feel astringent and melting very fast and turning to sweetness quickly.

1 Comment

  1. admin1234myteahouse

    good ,love it

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