Puerh is a city used to be the tea distribution centre of the Yunnan Province, as time went by, we regarded the tea from Puerh City as Puerh Tea.
Puerh Tea is a post-fermented tea, there are two types of Puerh Tea:
1) Raw Puerh (natural fermented)
2) Cooked/Ripe Puerh (process fermented)
After 2 years of studying and testing from 1973, Cooked/Ripe Puerh Tea has been successfully produced in the Yunnan Province.
The code 7576 on puerh, normally has their special meaning
75 ~ means the tea was using the recipe from 1975
7 ~ means the tea was using the 7th class of fresh tea leaves ( 1~9 from high to low)
6 ~ means the tea was made by FuHai Tea Factory
This tea was made in 2003.