8 Different Teas 八仙过海-1


8 different teas-1 (2 portions each type)

This is a very nice gift box set that includes one type of green tea, two types of white tea, three types of oolong tea, one type of black tea, and one type of jasmine tea. It makes for a very elegant and tasteful gift.


8 different teas-1 (2 portions each type)

安吉白茶 An-Ji White 5g * 2bags
特级白牡丹 Premium White Peony 5g * 2bags
2016寿眉饼 2016 Shou-Mei 7g * 2bags
安溪黄金桂 Golden Osmanthus 10g * 2bags
单丛雪兰香 Snow Phoenix 8.3g * 2bags
武夷大红袍 Big Red Robe 8.3g * 2bags
祁门红茶 Qimen Red 7g * 2bags
茉莉毛峰 6 Scented Jasmine 5g * 2bags


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