Anji White 安吉白茶


Colour: Bright green
Shape: Needle
Size: 18mm-25mm long.
Smell: Resembles the delicate aroma of grass, and green bean smell.
Taste: Resembles fried beans and/or nuts.
Teaware: Gaiwan (porcelain, bone china or glass), tall glass

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Knowledge of The Tea

Origin Zhejiang Province
Making Process Baked-dried, shaped, repeated it few times, and then the tea leaves are fired until dry.
Health Benefits Green tea is able to prevent heart diseases and cancer better than others.
Remarks very light colour with its delicate taste

Green tea is an un-oxidized tea. That’s means we must put the leaves into very high temperature (100~240C)to “Kill Green/ShaQing” to stop the fresh tea leaves getting fermented or oxidized.

Green tea can be produced in any tea areas of China, and each tea area’s green tea will have its own characteristics including its shape, smell, taste and its health benefits.

There are 4 different ways to “Kill Green/ShaQing” : Steaming, Pan-dry fried, Baked and Sun-dry.

Green tea can be produced in any tea areas of China, and each tea area’s green tea will have its own characteristics including its shape, smell, taste and its health benefits.

Anji White sometimes has been confused with white tea by its name. It is a green tea which is not widely planted in the Zhejiang Province.

Additional information


2023, 2024




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