Dragon Well 明前龙井


Dragon Well Green Tea is also known as Longjing in Chinese. Longjing is the name of a village in Hangzhou city of Zhejiang, and also the name of a spring. The name is now well-known as a green tea.

Longjing is one of the top ten Chinese teas and used to be the Emperor’s favourite tea for many years. The leaves of this tea is of High Grade Dragon Well and is picked before “Ming” which is 4th-5th of April.

Colour: Light green or 70% light green + 30% light yellow
Shape: Flat
Size: 18mm-25mm long.
Smell: Resembles the delicate aroma of grass, silage and seaweed.
Taste: Resembles fried beans and/or nuts.
Teaware: Gaiwan (porcelain, bone china or glass), tall glass

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Knowledge of The Tea

Origin Zhejiang Province
Making Process Pan-dry fried, shaped, repeated it few times, and then the tea leaves are fired until dry.
Health Benefits Green tea is able to prevent heart diseases and cancer better than others.
Remarks It is recommended to drink it in warm weather, or before 3pm.

Green tea is an un-oxidized tea. That’s means we must put the leaves into very high temperature (100~240C)to “Kill Green/ShaQing” to stop the fresh tea leaves getting fermented or oxidized.

Green tea can be produced in any tea areas of China, and each tea area’s green tea will have its own characteristics including its shape, smell, taste and its health benefits.

There are 4 different ways to “Kill Green/ShaQing” : Steaming, Pan-dry fried, Baked and Sun-dry.

Green tea can be produced in any tea areas of China, and each tea area’s green tea will have its own characteristics including its shape, smell, taste and its health benefits.

Dragon Well Green Tea is also known as Longjing in Chinese. Longjing is the name of a village in Hangzhou city of Zhejiang, and also the name of a spring. The name is now well-known as a green tea.

Longjing is one of the top ten Chinese teas and used to be the Emperor’s favourite tea for many years. The leaves of this tea is of High Grade Dragon Well and is picked before “Ming” which is 4th-5th of April.

Additional information


2023, 2024


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