Puerh is a city that used to be the tea distribution centre of the Yunnan Province. As time went by, we regarded the tea from Puerh City as Puerh Tea.
Puerh Tea is a post-fermented tea, there are two types of Puerh Tea:
1) Raw Puerh (naturally fermented)
2) Cooked/Ripe Puerh (process fermented)
After 2 years of studying and testing from 1973, Cooked/Ripe Puerh Tea has been successfully produced in the Yunnan Province.
FENG is from the FengQing district in LinCang City of the Yunnan Province. The oldest tea tree (camellia sinensis) in the world which is 3200-3300 years old had been found in FengQing area. There are many of hundred-years old tea trees produce many high quality puerh teas in this area.
The 4 digit number 8521 here has its special meanings as below:
85~ this tea was using year 1985’s recipe
2~ this tea was using the 2nd class of tea leaves (1~9 from high to low)
1~ this tea was made by KunMing Tea factory
This tea disc was made in 2009.