Puerh is a city used to be the tea distribution centre of the Yunnan Province, as time went by, we regarded the tea from Puerh City as Puerh Tea.
Puerh Tea is a post-fermented tea, there are two types of Puerh Tea:
1) Raw Puerh (natural fermented)
2) Cooked/Ripe Puerh. (process fermented)
QianJiaZhai, is located at North-East of puerh tea area in ZhenYuan district on LiLao Mountain. In 1991, there is a 2700 years old wild tea tree, with a height of 25.6 meters, has been found in QianJiaZhai and is regarded as the largest ancient wild arber tea tree in the world. It was listed in Guinness World Records in 2001.
Even this 2700 years old wild tea tree doesn’t produce tea any more, there are many hundreds and thousands years wild tea tree grow this area.
The Wild Tree Raw Puerh MY Teahouse served bring us very different to most of other raw puerh tea, more subtle and delicate with fruity and floral sweetness.