Puerh is a city that used to be the tea distribution centre of the Yunnan Province. As time went by, we regarded the tea from Puerh City as Puerh Tea.
Puerh Tea is a post-fermented tea, there are two types of Puerh Tea:
1) Raw Puerh (naturally fermented)
2) Cooked/Ripe Puerh (process fermented)
YiWu is one of the famous old tea tree districts in the south-east of the Puerh tea area. There are many wild forests in this area where many old tea trees grow. In the Yiwu area, not only can the 15 famous villages (7 cun 8 zhai) produce very good old tree puerh tea, some old tea trees grow both side of the border between China and Laos.
This Yiwu raw puerh disc is using the tea leaves from hundreds year old tea tree and using traditional way with stone mould to compress tea into disc in 2012.