Puerh is a city that used to be the tea distribution centre of the Yunnan Province. As time went by, we regarded the tea from Puerh City as Puerh Tea.
Puerh Tea is a post-fermented tea, there are two types of Puerh Tea:
1) Raw Puerh (naturally fermented)
2) Cooked/Ripe Puerh (process fermented)
YiWu is one of the famous old tea tree areas in the south-east of the Puerh tea area in MengLa district . There are many wild forests in this area where many old tea trees grow. In the Yiwu area, not only can the 15 famous villages (7 cun 8 zhai) produce very good old tree puerh tea, some old tea trees grow both side of the border between China and Laos.
BaiShaHe is a villages just south of ChaWangShu in Yiwu Mt. This tea is using the leaves from big tea trees which is over 200 years old.